I have been thinking about this for a long time.  I have a lot to say, but it is hard to find
the words – even to write the words.

I finally feel like I am in a place to talk about things –
to explain myself – to all those I have shut out this entire time…maybe??

I just couldn’t talk about it before.  I still can’t talk about it in person – I
don’t really know why.  It is still so
fresh…I am still so scared…so many untouched emotions.

I watched a Criminal Minds last night that was recorded from
a while ago. I don’t usually watch this show because it is a little too much
for me, but it was a follow up to one that was dealing with one of the main
characters losing a loved one.  This
episode showed him blocking out his friends and family and it really hit home
with me. I completely understood it – he knew they were there for him, but he
just couldn’t deal with the emotions talking about it would bring.

I know no one has asked for an explanation – but I need you
to know…

Me shutting everyone out wasn’t what I wanted to do – it was
all I knew to do…it was all I could do.

I couldn’t talk about what I had been through…what we were
still going through – it was too much for me to wrap my head around.

But then on the other hand I couldn’t go on with “normal”
life because my world, my life, my everything had been more than flipped upside
down.  I didn’t know if I was going to
survive it all, I didn’t know if Ian was going to have a mom to help raise him,
I didn’t know if Eric was going to have a wife – I didn’t know anything.

I didn’t want pitty but at the same time I wanted people to
realize how bad it sucked.  Yes, I
realize people can’t know how bad, how hard it was because I didn’t tell them…I
am still working on that. There was a lot that went unsaid. 

I had no energy to do anything other than survive. I had no energy to talk to people, to write here or write back to people, to be alive – all I could focus on was making it through to the next day – heck, even through to the next minute. Surviving took it all – every ounce of anything I had.

I still don’t know what I need from others.  I try to think about what I would do for
others if the situation was reversed and I realize I don’t know what I would
do. I would want to ask them what they need and so many asked/still ask what we
need – I still don’t know what to say.

I guess I need love and understanding.  I know I have both of these from so many people and I know it is hard to continue to give love without getting any in return from me…but that is what I need now.

What I want to say whe asked this: I need new cells…cells that don’t want
to divide on their own and cause cancer. I need new DNA (I really don’t know if
this is DNA stuff), what I need is stuff no one can give me.  So do I tell people this when they ask? I don’t
– it doesn’t do anyone any good for me to be a smartass all the time…some of
the time yes!

I still haven’t really explained anything here – I realize
that. I guess I still don’t know how to explain it – I am not sure I will ever
know how to explain what I went through and continue to go through every day.

But please know your love and support does not go unnoticed
and it does make things so much easier – if I don’t tell you that enough, it is true.

1 Comment

  1. I completely get this Renee. I even shut out PRC gals–probably the only folks who actually get it. I try to think of it as purposefully (not selfishly) narrowing my focus. I have to focus on myself in order to get better and to be here for my family. So I can't be the same fun-loving, always-available friend I once was. The good news is that my true friends actually do understand this and they understand that this is temporary. I'll be the friend they deserve eventually. Just right now, my focus is elsewhere.

    We have such limited "spoons." It is important that we save them for ourselves, our treatment, and our families. Everyone else worth their weight can wait.

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