It was 2 years ago that I got the dreaded phone call – the
one I never wanted again – Dr. H wants to see you today – something is on your

Honestly, it never occurred to me that I would be getting
that phone call again – I believed it was gone and gone for good.

In the past 24 months so much has happened, so many
heartaches, so many fears, so much – so much of everything.

March, 2011:

Diagnosed for second time with breast cancer

Surgery to biopsy lung lesion

PET scan to see if it was else where

Found out it was indeed the same cancer as was in my breast
first time

Found out it had spread to lymph nodes, lungs and bones

Went to MD Anderson – turned right back around to come home
to Austin

April, 2011 :

I started Abraxane (chemo)

Surgery to get my port put in     

My hair started to fall out and I had Eric shave it

June, 2011:

PET scan showed big improvement

Started back on anti-depressants

July, 2011

PET scan showed chemo cocktail wasn’t working – the spot on
lymph nodes grew

August, 2011

Started new cocktail – carboplatin and gemzar

Got approved for trial drug: I am honestly still not sure
what the actual name of it is. It is an in-apart type chemo

Started to get infusions 2 times a week – Monday &
Thursdays – 2 weeks on, one week off – still on that schedule to this date

September, 2011

Took Ian to Wonders & Worries

October, 2011

PET scan showed “NED” no evidence of disease

Had my first blood transfusion

November, 2011

Had my final round of “full out chemo” and started on my
trial drug only

December, 2011 – August, 2012

Received trial drug infusion 2 times a weeks

August, 2012

Had a small seizure, MRI revealed a mass in my brain

September, 2012

Had brain surgery to remove the tumor

October, 2012

Had radiation

November, 2012

Put in hospital for steroid psychosis for 3 days

Found out the mass was growing again in the same spot – just
on top of the scar tissue

December, 2012

2nd brain surgery to remove growing mass

Went back to hospital because I couldn’t walk – both legs
were numb verses just my right leg which 
went numb after the 2nd surgery

Was using walker to walk

Was able to use just my cane on Christmas Day – a Christmas

January, 2013

I started driving in the church parking lot to practice

Mom left

Eric’s parents came

February, 2013

MRI showed changes – good changes – healing changes

I started to walk without a cane or a foot brace after
starting a new physical therapy place

I took my first shower by myself after we got a new lower shower

Eric’s parents left

MRI – still showing changes – Dr H talked to my “neuro team”
and decided I need an MRI every 4 weeks to keep a close watch on everything

March, 2013

I walked around the block by myself!

Next week I have an MRI and PET scan


Reading it like this makes it seem so real – crazy real. I
read it like I would read something someone else wrote. In a weird way, I stay
detached when I write a list of events like this – this is my list of what has
happened and that is all…a list of events.  But then in the same breath I look at this and
think HOLY SH*T –  that is a lot that has
happened – for a lifetime much less in 2 years.

Please continue to pray for my health – for all the tests to
come back NED, for feeling to return to my right side and energy.

Please pray for my family – this has not been an easy
journey for anyone


  1. Hi Renee, Leigh Ann sent me your way. What a bright light you have! I've found strength in writing and it seems you have as well. Keep on keeping on. Thinking good thoughts for you and your family. And please know you are an inspiration to many.

  2. Renee, I cannot even imagine how hard this is for you, for your family. And here you are, writing this, brave, strong, hopeful. You are an amazing woman and I'm so glad Leigh Ann pointed me your way. Love and light your way as you continue your healing.

  3. Renee, wow. I always have known you are amazing, but reading the ordeals of the last two years like this – just proves it even more. You and your family are always on my mind, and I wish you all the peace and love in the world. I hope you know how many people's life you have touched and how very special you are to all of us. I am so, so happy to hear you feeling better. Love you lady. Laurie

  4. You. Are. Amazing. I started crying when I read the words "good changes" and when you said you were able to get around a little more. You are so strong. Praying for you and your family through this treacherous journey.

  5. You have been through so much. It's not fair that such nice people have to go through such crazy, stressful times!

  6. Wish I could offer some words of comfort. Sending lots and lots of prayers.

  7. Praying! You are amazing!

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