Yes, I believe

God orchestrates



in our lives

all the time

I used to think


what are the chances

Now, I think

Thank You God


Long story kind of short…Eric and I decided we needed a new
house – a smaller one story home because well let’s face it – I can’t walk up
our stairs to the second story and more than half our house goes unused. 

We started looking and houses in our neighborhood aren’t even
staying on the market a week – some only a day.

So, I do what I do – I prayed and asked for help.

The idea was sent to me – send out an email to the
neighborhood on the email group.

I told a few people about it, and yes, they thought it was a
total shot in the dark.

In the email I wrote about our situation, our need for a
smaller home, our desire to stay in our neighborhood and just asked if anyone
was possible willing to trade house or knew of a house coming on the market

I got a lot more responses than I thought I would – mostly
people saying oh yes we will trade – I guess I didn’t really specify there would
be money involved in make the trades equal!

Anyway, I got an email from this guy who said his neighbor
had mentioned to him they were going to be selling soon.

The address of the house – oh it was one of the houses Eric
though about buying when he first bought a house in our area but it was a
little big for just him.

We were driving around Sunday evening looking at some of the
other addresses people sent us. We noticed the couple of this not yet for sale
house were outside doing yard word.

I said lets go talk to them – what do we have to lose?

So we did.

When we walked up, I said – I know this is going to sound
crazy but are you X or Z – I couldn’t remember who sent me the email and who he
said the owner was.

The guy said yes, I am X and Z is my neighbor.

So, I told him the short version of the story – we need a
new house because I had brain surgery and I cant walk up our stairs, we want to
stay in the neighborhood, I sent out this email, his neighbor responded and
here we are.

And yes, they were planning on putting it on the market in
about 3 weeks.

We went back yesterday to walk around, and pretty much asked
what he thought about a take as is deal sooner rather than later.

We are all now getting our ducks in a row to make this

I KNEW IT WOULD WORK!!! I like to keep reminding everyone
who told me I was crazy that indeed – IT WORKED!! And I just kept following my
heart…my heart that God speaks to and doing what He told me to do even if I looked
crazy to others! I am so excited!!


  1. Renee! This is amazing. God is Amazing! I would have to say I thought you were a little crazy sending an email out "would you like to change houses? ha! God works in mysterious ways… He is amazing!

  2. Glitter and Grunge Studio

    As a young girl, I thought obedience was an ugly word. As a mature woman, I began to desire such a close union with God. The more He asked of me, and the more I obeyed (followed His will…. however one wants to put it), the more amazing, fulfilling, and transformed my life became. There are times when what He asks seems mindboggling in comparison to worldly ways. Yet… the results are always so very fruitful.

    May He continue to bless you with trust, faith, and love in big things and in small. You are an inspiration!!!


  3. That's great, Renee!!

  4. That's awesome!!

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