Lots of things make me

Confrontation – with anyone
– I hate it.  I don’t see the point in
fighting and trying so hard to get someone to see your view point – just accept
you think differently and go on

Speaking of feelings –
actually talking about them.   I can
write about them all day, but I seem to trip over my words, so writing things
gives me time to think about them and really get out what I mean.

Dentist – hate it

Attention on me – I don’t do
well with the spot light shining on me. 
I think no matter what the situation, there are SO many events and
people involved to make anything happen, the spotlight shouldn’t be one just one

I guess I need to get over a few of these if I really do want to speak about my love for God in front of people?!?!?!


  1. OH, why cant everyone just agree to disagree?!?!

  2. agreed on confrontation! It does make it hard to share the gospel with others. Like, really, really hard! It's something I need to work on too!

  3. I know what you are saying! Just know that you are helping so many other people by doing it. It means a lot to us that are sick and it means a ton to the people who aren't as well! You are doing great!

  4. confrontation is really uncomfortable but I can do it. I hope so anyway…Im a therapist. ALso the spotlight on me not so much either!

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