Be the change you want to see in the world” ~Gandhi

I love this quote because it is so simple yet so powerful.  Sometimes we wait to do something good until
someone does something good first, but if we are all waiting on someone else to
act first – well, we will all be waiting forever.

If you want to change the world, be that change – what if
someone is waiting on you to do it first?

Be the love you want to see in the world – smile from your heart.

Be the help you want to see in the world – give someone a
helping hand.

Be the faith you want to see in the world – pronounce your love
for God.

Be the parent you want to see in the world – hug your child as
much as you can.

Be the friend you want to see in the world – be the should to
cry on and the support they need.

Be the person you want to see in the world – spread love with every

Be the change you want to see in the world.


  1. Love your amazing attitude and your sweet, sweet spirit! God is pleased with you sister… You are loved!!!

  2. Love it!!!

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