a public apology. This can be as funny or as serious or as creative as you want
it to be.
I am sorry I am going to stray from the intended topic for today…kind of.
I feel sorry for myself that today is my 35th birthday and I am at my oncologist talking about a 3rd brain surgery in 9 months to hopefully get rid of the cancer in my brain once and for all.
I am sorry to Eric and Ian having to deal with this sh*t again.
I sorry to my family and friends who will walk this road with me…once again.
I am sorry to my body who cant seem to fight this off.
I am not sorry for saying I will once again fight like hell.
I am not sorry for saying this will NOT be my last birthday.
I am not sorry for promising even more to show my love for God.
I am not sorry to promise those in my life that they will be covered up by my love…grossly covered up by my love!
I am sorry for my lot in life – I do believe I will once again crawl through a mile of sh*t to come out clean on the other side – and now I have one more story of a sh*t crawl…I guess?!?!? I could think of new stories if I had too!!

I will continue to fight.
I will continue to love.
I will continue to believe.
I will continue to be here to spread love:
His love
my love
I will keep on praying for your full recovery. You are a very inspiring woman and I am glad to call you a friend, no honored to call you a friend! Love ya girl, keep your head held high.
Beautifully spoken… KEEP FIGHTING! You can and will conquer this — it's just a pesky little speedbump during your journey through life. After this, it'll be smooth sailing!
Sending happy, healthy thoughts your way from afar… 🙂