I went to see Dr. Groves yesterday.

If I haven’t said it enough, let me say it more – I am so
beyond blessed with the team of doctors I have working with me and with each
other it amazing me me…completely amazes me.

So Dr. Groves – he still thinks I am an interesting case – I
told him I like to be interesting?!?! And he said he likes me attitude!

Our plan from his end – send in every last bit of cancer
tissue they have from me and all my previous surgeries’ to get it them all reanalyzed
for more of a genotype.  They have been
doing this from each surgery but he is going to go as in depth as possible –
something like 200 mutations to look for.

I told him even though it keeps coming up triple negative
(means not causes by hormones),  I have a
feeling it has something to with hormones. 
He said it could have something to do with hormones like 5 tiers down
and we would figure it out…very exciting stuff!

Eric and I left there feeling good even though we didn’t
have a plan.

I go back to see him July 11th (after our trip up
to Eric’s parents…yeah vacation!!) for a plan.

After that apt I was tired but these stupid steroids give me
this neverous energy – I can’t focus or sit still eventhough I am exhausted.

SO, what do we when we are tires – go to Nordstroms.

Mom and I went shopping for a bit – I ordered a purse and
can’t wait for it to get it!

Looked at shoes – nothing.

Went to eat at Abuelos – trying to get back on the LOW GI
diet and did pretty good – except chips and queso, but BUT did have grilled
fish for lunch…hey, I am starting somewhere!

We came home and I was finally able to nap.

Eric got here at 400 to take me to radiation.  While we were on the way to radiation, they
called and said their machine shut off and was warming back up so they were now
running around 1.5 hours late.

No biggie – we did an early dinner – lettuce wraps (no
carbs) and a bison burger with no bun!

We stopped by REI to get Eric a hat for Father’s Day and
ended up finding a rubber boomerang for Ian…I am making him a little fun package
to receive in the mail – he loves getting mail…who doesn’t?!?!

Off to radiation:

They gave me my cocktail in the beginning as yesterday and
about ½ way through gave me a little more pain medication due to the mask – it the
pressure point is right across my forehead and it really starts to hurt and
freak me about after a bit.

But, I made it and all is well.

We go home to quiet because mom and Ian were out with Syl
and her family.

Mom is taking Ian to Fort Worth this weekend which is hard
for me to say, but that makes me happy. 
I feel like the peace and quiet is going to be the best thing for me at
this point.

It was hard to them I need them to go away for the weekend,
but Ian couldn’t be more excited to so see the boys and mom enjoys the trip

I see Dr. H today, have my last radiation and Eric is
showing our current house at 600 to someone in from the neighborhood wanting to
stay in the neighborhood but want a bigger house – please pray this works as seamlessly
as our new house deal worked!!

1 Comment

  1. Thank you for updating! You sound like you are hanging in there – and this is the last day of radiation! You can do this! Will be sending Eric good energy at 6:00 – this could be one more thing off your plate! Ian will have a blast!! Love you!

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