I am tired of this weird rash on the bottom of my legs that
itches like crazy – unless I take Benadryl but then I pass out.  I could take a steroid, but I would rather
itch being as I am JUST NOW starting to lose some of the water weight.

But now I am a little worried about being not being on my
chemo this weekend.

I still don’t to have energy all day long. I can go a few
hours, but then I crash. It sucks to have this “want to do” list, but never
getting it ¼ of the way done.



My patience is gone at 
600 pm and it sucks because I haven’t been with Ian or Eric most of the
day, but I am just so tired in the evening my patience just vanishes.  I have really been working on not being
grumping to them.

I think I might need to start PT again.  My walking in wonky and it is making my knee

I am tired of not having feeling in my whole left leg.

I am tired of having to have Eric to everything physical. I
SO want to help him move our sh*t to the new house, and him not have all this weight
on his shoulders – for me to be his other half. I feel more like a growth that
he has to lug around.

Blah – I am just blah.

Luckily we have a birthday party to go to today and all my
friends will be there too – really, I think we throw our kids these birthday
parties for us mommies to get together?!?! Whatever, the kids are happy! OH,
and us too!!

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