The BCRC had the yearly remembrance ceremony on Sunday.

I hate these things…it all become so real at that point in time.

A candle is lit for every sister we have lost the past year…26 sweet glowing candles were lite on Sunday night. 

26 too many lives taken from this earth too soon.

26 grieving family and friends.

26…it is a number that seems to be haunting me.

I was asked to read this poem I had written last year.

In the Wind

Leaves dance around

in wondrous ways

In the wind

Trees sway


To side

In the Wind                                                                                                                                              Flowerseeds                                                                                                                                                        Are carried to new places

-To grow

-To beautify





In the wind

Houses are damaged

Torn apart

In the Wind

We can never see this wind


We can feel it

And see the effects of

It leave behind


Our love

Our life

is in the wind

Ever changing

Ever moving


This is to all you out there who have lost someone to this stupid disease.  

I am sorry for your loss.  

PS…Yes, I will have a video of this soon.

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