There have been many times in life where I look at an event
and recognize that I have grown up.

Not just me, others have grown with me – in their own
directions but there is a new level of love…stick with me here.

Two things have happened these past two days:

One of my great friends and I were WAY overdue for a hangout
session. We try to get together at least once every 6-8 weeks which is by far not
enough but that is all we can squeeze in with where we both are in life at the

Sometimes it works; sometimes it does not.

It slapped us in the face the other day when we realized how
much we have evolved in lives and our friendship.  We have evolved from parting (many years ago)
to mommy hood, to finding ourselves again.

Instead of going out to a fancy lunch and drinking some
wine, we went to Whole Foods, ate a little breakfast, had coffee and grocery

Yes…grocery shopped.

But the thing I realized was it made NO difference what we were
doing, we were doing it together and that is all we both wanted.

Don’t get me wrong, we will still have our wine lunch dates
too but knowing we made it this place in life together is a great feeling. 

To know the friendship stands the test of time – and with
that test of time many changes in life and therefore within each of too.  It makes my heart smile to have her in my

Second one is on the same line:

I went to lunch (man, I eat out a lot!!) with a friend of a
friend.  We have known each other for
about 10 years (WOW that is crazy to think), have stayed connected by reading each
other’s blog, email and FB, but had never really sat down just the two of us to

It was a really powerful lunch.

She has grown in ways that made her shine from the inside

I told her how proud of her I am, and I mean that so much.

We talked about her drama filled past, laughed at both of
our own stupidity stories, but reconnected on this new plain we both seem to
have found our way to.

You might be thinking – what in the HELL plain is Renee
talking about?  I will save that for
another day!

I guess looking at this written out, all my good friends
somehow ended up on this same plain too because we get each other, we are over
drama and run from it, and have fallen in love with the life we each have.

Don’t get me wrong, none of us have a picture perfect life…nowhere
near, but we have learned to love the moment we are in – good, bad or in
between – knowing it is just a moment and the moment will pass…maybe pass all
too quickly.

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