We left a
friend’s house on Saturday night – later than my normal – and I told Eric, “You
know how I know I had a great time, when I think back to the night and realize
I didn’t think about anything except what was happening right then and there.”

As I have
been practicing mindfulness and gratitude more and more, I am noticing changes
in me that make me SO grateful and excited to see what it next.

Friday night
I went to a baby show of a cancer friend who is having a baby with a sergeant.  And from what she tells us of the woman carrying
the child, you know this is a total God thing. 
The way it all worked out, the joy in it all…love all around. It is
truly amazing.

Saturday, we
went to Ian’s soccer game, out to lunch and over to friends house that evening.
It was so great to be able to get my mindset to be, “sure lets go for it”
verses before I might say, eh, I did a lot today and I don’t want to push it. I
am tired of not pushing it for certain things.

Sunday we
went to look at what mom’s new house will look like once it is built, went to
Hula Hutt and just hung out.

I laughed
and enjoyed the moments of this weekend more than anything I can remember in a
long time.

I used to be
like this all the time, but then cancer was always hanging over my head.

I realize I
am still in remission, I realize one day I might not be BUT I am not going to
look at the day now…I won’t look at it until 
I have to, and what if I never
have to look at it again?!?!

Who knows?

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