A lot can happen in 4 years 

A lot does happen in 4 years 

If you have a child, 4 years seems like a lifetime with so many changes that happen daily; sometimes you think a certain stage will never end and other times you want to freeze time and never have that stage end.

Growing up: you can start and finish college in 4 years; you can meet the person of your dreams and marry him/her, you can meet a special someone and everything change in an instant…

4 years is a short period of time when looking at a 36 year span of life, but it is also a lifetime when living with Stage 4 Breast Cancer as a 36 year old wife, mom, daughter, sister, friend and so much more.

Today snuck up on me just like life does. Today is my 4 year “anniversary” of living with stage 4 breast cancer.

4 years ago I wasn’t sure I would be alive to see today being as the average life span with Stage 4 cancer is 2 – 5 years.

I have been through many MANY stages of the grieving process, have had 3 brain surgeries and have managed to learn to let it be…let my life be what it is without being mad at it it myself for what is or what might have been.

I didn’t realize it was my 4 year anniversary until the end of a great day with great friends.

I used to call them “my cancer friends” because well that is what I do… I give my friends group names so other friends will know who I am talking about. But they aren’t my cancer friends, they are my sisters…they understand me and my woes better than I can even explain. 

Today we were all able to go the Celebration of Life Luncheon hosted by Zeta Tau Alpha and Kendra Scott to benefit Seton Breast Care Center at the new JW Marriott in downtown Austin. 

To say it was AMAZING is an understatement.

It was filled with love.

I was filled with love.

So this is what the last 4 years have brought me…friends with a connection not many people will understand, an appreciation of life, love and so much more.

Thank you Austin chapter of Zeta Tau Alpha, Kendra Scott & Seton Breast Care Center…today was a beautiful day.

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