It really isn’t just an oops… it is a why in the hell do I keep doing this to myself? 

I have been going full blast these last few days getting art done, which is something I love to do but then I get all caught up in my head with oh I need to make this for somebody and oh somebody ordered this and on and on and on and on.

And it isn’t the making of the art that it tires me out. The creative process is something my soul craves. It is the after steps that wear me out…shipping it out, invoicing the payments and all the other stuff that does come alone with selling stuff. (In a dreamy voice) maybe one day I could hire somebody to do all the yuck I don’t want to do?!?!

Yes looking at these pictures I see well heck yeah I’m tired is a lot of stuff I’ve gotten done in these last few days.

Oh and guess what else I’m looking into…yes just as I’m complaining that I have too much to do. 

I think I want to start a podcast of me reading Renée In Cancerland and taking questions from listeners and just a general feel good you can do this podcast!

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