My head starts to hurt just a tad bit more than usual.

I start to question myself about just how long has it been
hurting this bad.

You see – I have many different types of hurts these days.
Some are just there and I don’t think twice about them. Some cause a pause to
calm myself down and remember just how much my body has been through and from
all that, I have lasting effects. Some cause a full on shut down of me – I try
to stuff the fear away in my dark closet but sometimes that closet is stuffed
too full and I can’t close the door all the way.

When the door isn’t all the way closed, pieces of shit from
the closest fall out on to the floor – right at my feet where I inevitably

I don’t remember when I stopped being able to correct my
trip with a few stumbling steps.  But
somewhere along the way, that trip – any trip has led to a full on fall without
me even being able to stumble and try to regain my balance.

Now a small trip lands me laid out in my own path trying to
figure out:

                How to
even go about getting back up?

                How to
not be mad at myself for letting myself fall?

                How to
once again try to trust my legs to carry me to        where I need and want to be.

Yes it is true – I have trust issues with myself.

I don’t trust my body to do what it needs to do – what it is
supposed to do…keep my cells alive and healthy.

Somewhere on this road, this trust issues has morphed into panic.

Panic that my body no longer knows what the hell is going

It happened again – I had a panic attack Wednesday.  I was supposed to go over to a friend’s house
for lunch.  But, I haven’t been to this
house in a LONG time, the directions she sent didn’t really make sense and I
shut down. My leg went numb, I got dizzy and I went numb…I thought I might be
having a small seizer. I called and said I was sorry, but no lunch for me.

I stayed home and instead of talking myself into panic mode,
I worked through it.  I used some tools
my therapist worked with me on and guess what? 
It worked! 

I think I was having a panic attack because I didn’t know
exactly where I was going and I felt out of control.

I didn’t think I was a control freak, but turns out I just
might be?!?!  I am ok with this though
because in all honesty I am extremely proud of myself for being able to work
this out and realize I will always have some sort of work to do with me
accepting myself just how I am.  Control
freak and all!

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