I am not even going to rehash the last three Halloween’s because I’m sure you all know I was dealing with brain surgery stuff and the aftereffects.

Since our kids were 3, there has been a group of us in the neighborhood who get together on Halloween: the parents might a special “punch”, the kids run around together and then we do a piñata before we all go trick-or-treating. 

Eric and I were the first one to host and it has really become a part of our tradition around here.

Gina took it over for three years and this year she had a lot on her plate and I said give it back to me…I’ve got this! When I send the invite out, I said a little prayer and just wanted to feel good so we could do this thing!

Abd do this thing we did!

My mom stayed with Ian while Eric and I went with another friend to party hop around our neighborhood…which I have not done in years. I don’t feel good today,

but last night was so worth it!

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