I haven’t had six weeks off of chemo since 2011…when I was originally
diagnosed as Stage 4…since then I have been on some kind of chemotherapy.

At my oncologist appointment almost  six weeks ago I was telling Dr. H how flipping
tired I was and how no matter what I did or didn’t do, I couldn’t fill my energy
tank. I told her I felt like I was in a horrible first trimester of pregnancy
and the chemo was my baby taking anything and everything from me. As usual we
laughed at the way I expressed things to her, BUT at least I knew she knew what
I was talking about.

She checked pretty much everything there was to check in my
blood, hence why I had to receive iron at my last chemo.

When she told me to hold my chemo for 1 cycle (2 weeks on 1
week off), I was more than ok with it because I was exhausted.  But more than that, something in my told me
it was fine to do that.  I know when
others have to hold chemo due to super low counts, they sometimes freak out due
to the thought the cancer could be growing in between chemo cycles.

But then she told me to hold it for one more cycle…now I was
going on week 4-6 with no chemo. I was the one starting to freak out a bit with this…I mean so
much can happen in 6 weeks…in or out of the cancer world.

But, I am so happy to say body and brain scans both came
back showing no evidence of disease! 

I do go back to Dr. H this Thursday, which I am sure she
will tell me start taking my daily chemo again and honestly, I am ok with that…in
my mind better safe to stay here.

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