I am not am the best at being sappy, touchy, lovey in person…I do better writing it.

I want to give a heart and soul thank you filled with love to Eric’s parents and my mom…these past months have NOT been easy on them either (besides the obvious their kids hurting) but they all dropped their lives to be here with us…there was never a question asked.

Eric’s parents were with Ian and Eric the whole time while managing to juggle a newborn a few days here and there to help Eric’s sister. They managed contractors to fix up our house (which I don’t even know what looks like yet, but Eric and Ian love it!).

They held our home together with their love.

My mom was with me everyday and night..,even on the hospital bed! She would make me get up and shower and walk when I didn’t want to, she would sit in the silence with me while I was contemplating what in the hell was going on and if I would really ever be healthy or home again.

This is my love note to them. I ABSOLUTELY couldn’t have done this without them and I love them more ever second I think about it all.

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