Well, well, well… I am at a place I never wanted to be…checking into the f*cking hospital for this pneumonia that we now have to have biopsy to see what is actually going on.

Today has been one heck of a day. 

8:00 Dr. H decided I am not better that I might be worse. She sent me to get blood drawn at 8:30 received a huge bag of fluids.

Then I was told to go get CT scan and after that we told we couldn’t leave until they read the results because it might be a blood clot…WTF?? Told it was not a blood clot so we could leave.

Got a call and was told that I needed to go check into the hospital because they were going to want to do a long biopsy. Got checked into the hospital last night and I am scheduled for my lung biopsy tomorrow morning at 10 AM.

SO… I am here in my hospital room at the hospital that I hate because it brings back so many bad memories of my dear friends and I’m really thankful that I am not in any of the rooms they have been in.

If you are the praying type please pray and or send good vibes my way for an easy surgery tomorrow, good results and something easy to treat so I can get on to being as well as I’m supposed to be after the bone marrow transplant.


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