So I don’t want to leave you hanging from last post. The
biopsy from my boob came back ALL GOOD! But the MRI showed something changing
in my brain. I am not surprised by this because I have been feeling more
numbness in my right side, general fatigue and slight headaches. I restarted
Avastin (brain chemo) hoping that it is just narcosis (mass of dead cells) and
the Avastin will eat it away.

The plan up until today was to wait for one more round of Avastin on August 1, but I am feeling numbness and “off” today. After calling H she wants an MRI ASAP. It hasn’t been scheduled yet, but I am guessing it will be first thing in the morning.

Please keep me in your prayers and pray for dead cell build up and/or eating of narcosis. 

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