No… I won’t ever stop sharing these stories of these fabulous women who are dealing with Metastatic Breast Cancer and F*cking die SO YOUNG.

She has a 4 year old little girl who is now left in the wake of confusion from this disgusting disease.

PEOPLE I BEG YOU to do more research. Not more mindless giving to anything Pink anything.

-If you need a new broom and want pink, please get it BUT not under the thought a large % goes to where it really should.

-Y’all SO MUCH research is still needed on ALL stages to see WHY it comes back as Stage 4/Metastatic in some women and not in others.

Yes, this post sounds angry because my heart hurts and I am mad and I don’t get it and I want change and right at this second this is all I know to do.

Please send prayers to Natalie’s family.

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