Yes-I have tried therapy before, but I never clicked with anyone…

My first one was after having my son. I am pretty sure I had postpartum depression, BUT I thought I could work it out myself. I finally got a therapist who as soon as I walked in and felt the energy I knew she wasn’t for me. I remember her asking me if I was Catholic because I was talking about the guilt I seemed to have about everything-strike 1.

When I was first diagnosed with Stage 1 Breast Cancer, I found another one. I thought She was too old for me to talk to about my 30 year old life.

At some point in Stage 4, I found another one. She was pretty much my age and I felt we were more like friends vs her guiding me to whatever it was I was searching for.

Then I went to one who a great friend of mine recommended. I dug her at first then I felt like she started telling me her story-not there for that.

I had written it off and decided talk therapy wasn’t for me.

That is until I had a mini breakdown in H’s office telling her I just don’t know how to get into this “new life” yet again. That for the past 9 years, there has been a major change to adjust at least once a year but some years it has been 3-4 times a year. I feel like I am always waiting for the “other shoe to drop” because – well, it has been like this for so long.

As H being so awesome, she told me about this new program from St. David’s hospital for breast cancer patients. I went Wednesday and I LOVED HER!! She didn’t blow smoke up my butt, she didn’t have f*cking pitty eyes and we just vibes. She even dresses like me!

This is the first time ever I think therapy is actually going to help!

Here’s to my adventure!

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