Oh Holley… I wish you were here for me to say all this to you.

Tomorrow will be 2 years since you went to live in Heaven, with too many of our other friends.

I miss your laugh.

I miss late night texts about everything.

I miss your fierce love-especially for your boys.

I know you know Kelli and Court aren’t here on earth with us anymore either… I know y’all are all hanging out together watching over us.

I hope you know what a HUGE impact your video made and still continues to make in educating others about Metastatic Breast Cancer.  You will be happy to know Kristi and myself still keep up the Holley Kitchen and The Lifers page. You would be horrified (like Kristie is) with my grammar screw ups BUT it is getting done and the point is still getting across.

I wish I could tell you the number of deaths from Stage 4 Breast Cancer has decreased, unfortunately I can’t. 

Tomorrow I am going to lunch with A & T to celebrate your life and a thank you to you for bringing us together.

We all miss you. We all still laugh about so much. We all still and always will love you friend.

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