I love looking at art. It makes me happy – in a different kind of way – then other things that make me happy…you know?

I love the unexpected that happens in art. I love the colors. I love the vibes art can give off – like make a room feel happy, energized, full of energy – I love the way I can tap into that energy/feeling/emotion of art. Like-I can feel the energy.

That leads me into what I want to talk to you about.

Stay with me here, because it might get a little “woo woo.”

Can you feel energy?

Have you ever walked into a room and felt that the people in there just had a fight or were laughing their heads off? I am sure you have even if you didn’t notice it. 

I have started intentionally noticing MY energy. 

My energy in my mind (thoughts), my emotional energy (the way I respond to events), my spiritual energy (what I feel like when I talk to God/Angels/Universe (whatever you want to call it), 

Energy is a hard thing to notice because it is so fleeting. I have had to teach myself to be present, listen to the clues my soul is giving me, and respond immediately. 

Like a child who doesn’t want you doing something – call it out in the exact moment. 

If you don’t like the way your energy is flowing, call it out…right then and there, and make the decision to change it…right there and then.

Here is an example:

I didn’t like the way my mind was telling my body today that it didn’t want to do anything because I am tired. BUT, I had already decided that no matter what, I was going to 100% show up for myself care to-do list. My list includes doing my PT exercises and meditation work. So, I made the decision to change my energy.

Instead of letting my mind tell me what MIGHT happen, I said, “nope – I am the one in control here. I am going to actually do it to see what happens instead of letting this story I have in my head make any decision for me. I can seriously do anything for 10 minuets…If I still feel that I don’t want to do anything after, then I can look at my situation at that point in time.” 

You know what happened?

I rocked it with my PT, mediation was excellent AND I followed my inspiration to paint afterwards. 

My point is: you can change the energy you flow. You can change it from horrible to great, from blah to good, from good to awful – YOU can chose whatever energy it is that you want to flow.

Does this make sense?

PLEASE ask me questions…I want to teach people how to do this.


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