I used to be an ALL or NOTHING person…heck-who am I kidding-I still am BUT I am trying to break that nasty habit.

Yes, I said nasty.

Why nasty you might be wondering?

Nasty because that thought pattern has been holding me back from doing SO many things in life because I knew it would take time to learn, grow, get better, but very likely not be perfect.

Not be ALL all the time. 

Not be NOTHING either.

Why can’t it be GREAT to be in the middle?

Why have I been afraid of cruising in the middle? At least I am doing something about it…whatever it is.

I am going to use my gaining back my strength, balance, and stamina as an example.

I have beaten myself up time and time again for not sticking to a workout routine. I can’t stick to these crazy a*s workouts I have in my mind because I am NOT a professional athlete AND I have brain damage. When I put it like that, yes, it is easy for me not to beat myself up. BUT, I don’t always remember this and beat myself up anyway.

I am changing though!

I am recognizing this “all or nothing” mentally doesn’t serve me …at all.

I have been doing my PT exercises on a daily basis. I don’t get all sweaty, breath heavy or get shaky muscles, but I do see a HUGE improvement in so many small deliberate motions I use over and over again to make my walking easier and more confident.

Where am I going with all this?

That not being “all” is actually helping me so much more because I can sustain being in the middle. I can do my exercises daily without being completely worn down and needing to recover for 4 days. I am pretty sure doing something every day at a smaller percent is better than doing it 1 out of 5 days?!?!  

I am learning to be proud of an accomplishment – not measuring how big said accomplishment is – it is an accomplishment no matter what!

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