we are about to head out and close on our new house. This is a first for me – I have never closed on a house before! Eric owned this house when we met and …
Well, it is all done and as always after something big in your life, I am experiencing post high tiredness. Shop, Sip & Share went great last night. I will post pics as soon as …
Is it seriously December already is all I can keep asking myself – where did the year go? It still really amazes me that it hasn’t even been a year since my last chemo treatment …

Trip Pictures
Sara was really brave to let Hanna loose on that couch! Tree hunting! Baby, it’s cold outside You have to make due when it is too cold and rainy out but 3 kids have been …
Has been happening with us these past few weeks. We went to Fort Worth for a Stampin Up party Rachele had – which was a huge success! The boys played, played and played some more. …
Long awaited appointment
I FINALLY made it back to see Dr. H today, after 2 cancelations that were completely out of her hands, but none the less, made me a little crazy! I have been waiting to go …

Pictures from weekend
Sign that we carried Part of team Ian loves race day too – great swag to eat! Start of race – 22,000 people there to support the cause. Bam Bam is caged up! Barney and …

Craft Report
Well, I am so sad to report, that my first craft fair was a bust…a BIG FAT UGLY BUST! BUT – I keep telling myself it wasn’t my stuff that wasn’t selling – nobody’s stuff …
Falling in love
It happens so quick I don’t think you can say when But after you realize where you are You know There is no turning back Love is magical In so many ways It can comfort …
Wilted Weed
It was the most beautiful Flower of them all It wasn’t bright, It didn’t smell good Or was it even a whole weed It wasn’t in a fancy bouquet But it was the most beautiful …