Rachele and I made a pretty impulsive and quick trip out to California after mom told us grandma wasn’t doing well. Grandma has alztimers (sp??) and she has good days, and well, not so good …
Time well spent

Renee Reads Energy
Rachele and I made a pretty impulsive and quick trip out to California after mom told us grandma wasn’t doing well. Grandma has alztimers (sp??) and she has good days, and well, not so good …
WOW is all I can say. I just read all my posts from exactly one year ago and I remember it all like it was yesterday. I didn’t know just how much my, our, lives …
I love that I don’t have anything specific to write about lately – that to me means my life has settled down into a normal, everyday life that I longed for last year at this. …
I have been meaning to post this FOREVER. Here are links to join our team. PLEASE don’t feel like if you are not a runner you can’t come out – there are all kinds of …
I feel like a gaggle of hens with all my new SAHM friends when we all drop our chicks off at MDO. We all gather just out of ear shot of the kiddos – just …
I forgot what it really feels like to be hung-over -is that a good or bad thing? Not sure. I hosted book club last night and drank way too much wine and how way too …
Since I heard the words that would ultimately change my life forever – “I am sorry, but it is cancer.” I have been trying to wrap my mind around what I needed/wanted to write for …
Is so full of happiness right now, it might bust. SORRY – I know this is cheesy, but it is so true. Things couldn’t be better for us in life right now. Ian is a …
FINALLY – some of these preggers are delivering! Eric’s baby sister had a baby girl yesterday. Welcome to the world, Hanna Ingrind Harwood. She was born yesterday evening, 7 1/2 pounds and 20 1/2 inches …
I guess you really never know how much you will miss somebody until that somebody is all the sudden not in your life anymore or how you wish you had become better friends with that …