has been flipped inside of me. A week ago today was my last radiation treatment and also the last of all my treatments. It was a surreal day and has been an increasingly exciting week. …
A Switch….

Renee Reads Energy
has been flipped inside of me. A week ago today was my last radiation treatment and also the last of all my treatments. It was a surreal day and has been an increasingly exciting week. …
Is a huge pain in my boob. My dr. told me yesterday that I need to take today – Monday off to hopefully let my skin heal. Right now it hurts so flipping bad, so …
I have tried to write this post for A LONG time – and I just couldn’t quite get it to where it made sense to me – I am here to try it again because …
But so far away. Reality of my situation kind of smacked me in my face this morning. I really over did it this past weekend and have been paying for it yesterday and today – …
So, I must give a little back story here – I have never been that person to start conversations with others, especially strangers. I know a few people might find this hard to believe because …
I wish I could bottle up my happiness that I am experiencing today. I am not sure what happened between yesterday and today but something big did…I am honestly putting my money on an answered …
The extreme tiredness. The past few days I have litterally had to take naps because my eyes just won’t stay open. And they haven’t been small naps, I sleep for 2 to 2.5 hours. I …
I feel like when I take 3 steps forward, I get knocked 5 steps back – I woke up Tuesday barely able to talk due to allergies and/or cold and it has been lingering all …
I can honestly say I am feeling better and I am even going to go out on a limb and say, I am feeling good to great today…even with the cold wet rain we are …
With radiation. Today was my 4th treatment – 4 out of 36. Yes, 36 looks daunting to me also. It has been easy thus far. I go in, put on a gown, wait for them …