Another 6 months and another set of scans – still NED!! My bone density is better too – I am still osteopenia but the ratio is better so I don’t have to get Zometa for …
Health updates and more

Renee Reads Energy
Another 6 months and another set of scans – still NED!! My bone density is better too – I am still osteopenia but the ratio is better so I don’t have to get Zometa for …
Hi all – I haven’t been good at keeping this updated but I am back! Nothing major has changed – still NED in my brain – last MRI was this week, last bone scan and …
When When will you say enough Enough heartbreak Enough loss Enough lies Enough selfishness Enough trading money for lives Enough accepting preventable tragedies as the new normal When When will you see the blood is …
I like to reflect back on times in my life where some of my biggest lessons came from. Throughout my life, I have watched a few of my closest friends struggle with anxiety and/or depression. …
I am floating on Cloud 9 and a little delirious from being tired…BUT it is so great to be this tired! We just got home from a vacation to Universal Hollywood. We had such a …
They said, one day I would wake up and just feel good again. I didn’t know exactly what they meant when they were telling me this because feeling good seemed like such a faraway memory …
I have been a crafter/maker for as long as I can remember. I have always drawn inspiration from anything that makes my heart smile. The first time I was diagnosed with breast cancer is when …
Do I actually practice what I preach?!?! Do you ever wonder if people who are dishing out advice actually practice what they are always preaching about? Like with me…do you ever wonder if I practice …
I am SO freaking proud of myself for being on day 42 of doing a daily mala meditation. I have been craving a meditation practice for I don’t know how long. I have started and …
Wow, wow, wow…we just got home from a Winter Wonderland in Michigan. The 3 of us went up to Eric’s parents lake house. It was SO MUCH FUN!! Saturday and Sunday, Eric and Ian went …