I am told that I won’t get to meet you until a year after the bone marrow transplant. I am not sure why, but I am sure whoever you are you are walking around with …
Stage 4 cancer friends
I have said it before and I will say it time and time again, being friends with a bunch of other cancer girls has been/is one of the most beautiful yet hardiest relationships I have …
Answered Prayers
Of course I have been praying that there would be an end to the cancer that has liked my body too much for too long but for so long nobody knew how to give me …

The good, the bad, the me
We went to the beach this weekend and it was so needed for us 3 to regroup and one last trip before school starts. I needed a break from constantly willing the phone to ring …

9 years ago
I was wondering how in the hell were me and Dad supposed to take care of this newborn baby we were just sent home with? Seriously, I had NO idea what we were in for. …
Moonshot 2020
I am so excited to have been asked to write this post about the Cancer Moonshot 2020, to help spread awareness for what is happening with this exciting program. The Cancer Moonshot represents an enormous …
The cost of cancer by Amino
With all the talk about needing to find a cure for breast cancer, the conversation rarely makes its way to a one huge factor other than saving lives. The cost of treatments. Most people don’t …
On paper
I was sent a packet of information to fill out as to why I should still be able to receive social security…basically prove I am still disabled even though my scans show clean. Because the …
Big things are in the works!!
I am not sure if this video will play…I “think” it will if you just click it or copy and past it?!?! https://www.facebook.com/Reneeincancerland/ If the video doesn’t work for you, the basics of it is …
Panic attacks
I don’t know if it’s a good or bad thing I can now narrow down the fact I am having a panic attack in under 2 minutes. I guess it is a good thing being …