I am tired. I am tired of being tired. I am tired of not knowing what the next day will bring. This week has pretty much sucked in a way that I haven’t experienced in …
Survivors Guilt
If Dr. H read this, I would get a lecture at my next appointment. Here is the real deal…I sometimes have survivors guilt. No one has ever said to me…”well that isn’t fair that you …

10 years later
I seriously cannot believe I am saying happy 10 year anniversary to my wonderful husband. 10 years… So much as happened in 10 years. I went back and look through pictures of our wedding (which …

Easter weekend
We did something completely new this Easter weekend…we went to the beach with FRamly (friends who are family). We hit the road Friday, stopped at Buckey’s (this mega convince store..,we had never been to one …
Renee In Cancerland – my book is OUT!!!
This is NOT April fools. I don’t even know what to say I am so excited…you will rarely hear me speechless! Here is the Amazon link for both paper back and Kindle , BUT any …
Real life
I want to keep it real here, so y’all get an honest view of what life looks like for me. And while keeping it real, that means to tell the truth…the whole truth. Last week …

Small but grand
Eric and I just went out of town to celebrate our upcoming 10 year anniversary. We knew neither of us wanted anything big or extravagant, so we decided to take a small getaway to this …

4 years with Stage 4 Breast Cancer
A lot can happen in 4 years A lot does happen in 4 years If you have a child, 4 years seems like a lifetime with so many changes that happen daily; sometimes you think …
Learning to live
We left a friend’s house on Saturday night – later than my normal – and I told Eric, “You know how I know I had a great time, when I think back to the night …
It all ties together – Negative self talk
Several friends emailed me to let me know my picture was used in a Huffington Post article: Avoiding Negative Self-Talk: Why the Phrase ‘F*ck Cancer’ Is No Longer in My Vocabulary After beaming about my …