I am exhausted. I went through my book and changed all the adverbs (I THINK that is what they are called? did/does/is/was) This had been on my heart for awhile that I might need to …

Renee In Cancerland – the book
Renee In Cancerland – the book Guess what I am doing today? I am sure you said something with your book! I am getting the updated ebook (or whatever it is called?) version today with …

New art
The past month and a half. I haven’t had the urge to paint much. I go through cycles like that, and I am not sure why. I mean, I love to paint, so I do …
No Active Cancer
No Active Cancer!! From my body & bone scans in December and my brain MRI Monday, right now my Stage IV cancer is NOT ACTIVE!! Why is she saying not active verses cancer free you …
New Plain
There have been many times in life where I look at an event and recognize that I have grown up. Not just me, others have grown with me – in their own directions but there …
New Video
Welcome to my YouTube channel! My goal is to share my CRAZY cancer story with you to give you the same hope I have felt all along. If you feel this message speaks to you …
Cancerland Craziness
I knew there would be a day when I would be told I couldn’t get chemo due to numbers…I thought those numbers would have to do with low blood counts or something else…not blood pressure numbers. I had …

Full heart
I was asked back in the spring to go to my son’s school to talk about what I do for a living for career week. I hauled all of my art stuff up there along …
The week ahead
I don’t ever mean to, but once again I have put lot on my to-do list. In all honesty, I love having a full to-do list…it shows me I am feeling better. And even more …
Triple Negitive Breast Cancer – Great news!
I am not one to read a lot of BC articles because honestly I don’t understand them. I could blame it on chemo brain, BUT I have never understood reading science. I did read this …