Pleasant words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the body. This was my verse in the Daily Word, and I really could take this one in and feel it. I …
Today I am going to make a plan. I am going to look at my 3 big goals and break them up into daily bite sized goals…I hear this really works well for 9 out …
2015 – Be
This isn’t anything new, but this is the first year I am going to take part in declaring a word of the year for myself. My word for 2015 is going to be “Be” I …
Still searching
I feel like I am and forever will be searching for a way to explain to others that while yes, I am technically cancer free right now, my energy and mind is not like it …
Video of me reading Dear Breast Cancer Sisters:
Dear breast cancer sisters
Dear breast cancer sisters, I am “classified as a stage 4er cancer” woman. Six years ago I was classified as Stage 1, triple negative. Went through chemo, surgery & radiation…got clean and clear! 15 months …
Trying not to live in fear
Scan-xiety The scenarios start playing as soon as I book my appointment. The what ifs that like to take over: What if cancer is in my body again? Would I have to do full out chemo? …
How to be happy?
I don’t know at what point I started to believe I had to get all this stuff done in order to be happy?? I don’t even think “happy” is the correct word – accomplished maybe? …
Unknown road
Doubt It amazes me how easily doubt can creep into my mind and start taking root in my heart. It isn’t doubt about God, my health, my family. It is doubt about what I do. …
Renee In Cancerland – Book Snippet
Tuesday, December 20, 2011 It hits home… Too many things have happened these past few days that makes my stomach turn and scares the crap out of me. One of our Pink Ribbon Cowgirls passed …