Mascara – October 3, 2008 Today is the first day since I heard the news that I have worn mascara. No, not because all my eyelashes have already fallen out. I wonder if they really …
A real look at living with Stage 4 Breast Cancer
A real look at living with Stage 4 Breast Cancer 14 hours I just woke up from sleeping 14 hours straight. I went to bed last night after Eric came home early from work because …
Rememberance Ceremony
The BCRC had the yearly remembrance ceremony on Sunday. I hate these things…it all become so real at that point in time. A candle is lit for every sister we have lost the past year…26 …
How to help others…this is not a BC post!!
“Really great people make you feel that you, too, can become great.” Mark Twain It is true…I am a sap and I 100% believe this quote. Now, I am not saying I am a really …
Stage 4 Breast Cancer Education
I have said I feel like it is one of my duties to educate others of Stage 4 Metastatic breast cancer. SO, you are getting more education today?!?!? Before I do though, a little back …
I did NOT know…
I realize I have been rather harsh with some of my statements and while I DO believe all of what I have said, I think I need to clarify a few things. 1. If you …
YouTube channel
I am in the process of putting all (well the handful) videos on YouTube on under ReneeInCancerland. Here, I will talk to you. I love writing, but sometimes I think hearing it is more powerful. …
I LOVE going to Pinterest and looking at art. It always inspires me to get into my studio and work on something. I will let you know where these next few lead me to in …
Just life
I say just life, but it is really so much more that “just life” “Life is full of beauty. Notice it. Notice the bumble bee, the small child, and the smiling faces. Smell the rain, …
An article about me from Livestrong
I have been extremely blessed on #ReneeInCancerland journey. From my doctors, to friends and family, to random contacts who eventually become friends – everywhere I look I see blessing from CancerLand. Here is the link …