Because this is going to be one heck of a ride. Today was surreal and I don’t really know if I have processed all this. I feel numb, pissed and scared sh*tless – I really …
I have a lot of them in my stomach right now. I woke up around 5:45 with them and they haven’t gone away. I am not really sure why I have them – am I …

Happy Monday
It is Monday, but how can you not smile at this?
As the days go by
Wow, I really can’t believe tomorrow is almost here and I will find out my fate. Then I think, how has it only been 20 days since I found out the news? So much has …
By definition means: a person attached to another by feelings or affection or personal regard. To me a friend means so much more I really don’t where to start. I am not sure I can …
The puzzle is coming together
I heard from my oncologist today and I think she was more excited than I was to hear that my DRC test came back negative. Now, what does that mean you are wondering? Well, it …
Everything went well today. I had the porta-cath “installed” and the core biopsy. I am still not 100% sure how this bad boy works because thinking of something being put into my vein and staying …
Smile…yes please….thank you
Might be the hardest string of words I am going to have to learn to say when it comes to excepting help from others. I am great at smiling, saying yes please and thank you, …
One Step closer
I will be tomorrow. I go in for the core biopsy and pick-line insertion at 8:30 but surgery begins at 10:30. I am not real sure what all to expect. I wasn’t thinking it was …
Today is the first day since I heard the news that I have worn mascara. No, not because all my eyelashes fell out and then grew back – do you think I will lose my …