Day to day 2004 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday was the same song and dance – week after week. The alarm started beeping at me earlier than I thought it should. The beep from hell. …
Use me
People email or FB me questions all the time about their loved ones who have been diagnosed with BC of even some other cancer. It is a love/hate relationship I have within myself about being …
YouTube channel
I am in the process of putting all (well the handful) videos on YouTube on under ReneeInCancerland. Here, I will talk to you. I love writing, but sometimes I think hearing it is more powerful. …
I LOVE going to Pinterest and looking at art. It always inspires me to get into my studio and work on something. I will let you know where these next few lead me to in …
Midweek Love – Bible Study
I have had several people ask me about my Bible study, so I thought I will start doing a Wednesday post dedicated to it. Right now I am using Jesus Calling 365 Daily Devotions forKids. …
It is more than amazing how things are just falling into place for us lately. It really isn’t all that amazing when I think of how I have been praying for this for so long… …
Think before you Pink – part 2 & call for help
Think before you Pink – part 2 “Be the change you want to see in this world.” ~Mahatma Gandhi I want everyone to know they can make a difference. I want everyone to know that …

Anniversary Gifts
I absolutely love when people ask me to make them a special piece for special occasions. This one is for my stepsisters fifth wedding anniversary for her to give to her husband. Anniversary number five …

You are my sunshine – New Art piece
I had another commission order to do an art piece for her daughter’s 1st birthday party! She wanted the “you are my sunshine” theme. Here is the final piece. I LOVE it!! I hope she does as …

A letter to my readers:
A letter to my readers: This is kind of weird to write a letter to yall – not sure why. I guess I don’t know if I want to write about me, advice, love or …