Hi all – I haven’t been good at keeping this updated but I am back! Nothing major has changed – still NED in my brain – last MRI was this week, last bone scan and …
It’s been awhile

Renee Reads Energy
Hi all – I haven’t been good at keeping this updated but I am back! Nothing major has changed – still NED in my brain – last MRI was this week, last bone scan and …
10 years metastatic Today marks 10 years since I was told the stage 1 breast cancer had metastasized to stage 4 breast cancer (MBC)* a mere year and a half after finishing treatment for stage …
“Angel Wishes” -1 “Angel Wishes” -2 I created this series, “Angel Wishes” to enfuse your space full of sparkly energy. I envision these pieces of art hanging like Angels on your …
7 years I sometimes forget all the crazy that has happened here in Cancerland over my 11 years as a resident here…like that it was 7 years ago today that I had my first brain …
I am floating on Cloud 9 and a little delirious from being tired…BUT it is so great to be this tired! We just got home from a vacation to Universal Hollywood. We had such a …
They said, one day I would wake up and just feel good again. I didn’t know exactly what they meant when they were telling me this because feeling good seemed like such a faraway memory …
I am SO freaking proud of myself for being on day 42 of doing a daily mala meditation. I have been craving a meditation practice for I don’t know how long. I have started and …
Wow, wow, wow…we just got home from a Winter Wonderland in Michigan. The 3 of us went up to Eric’s parents lake house. It was SO MUCH FUN!! Saturday and Sunday, Eric and Ian went …
1/31/19 Today is a first…I am sitting at a Dr. G appointment without Eric. I had to have Syl drive me to my brain MRI follow-up appointment because Eric had work meetings he couldn’t miss, …
Written 1/24 & 1/25/19 Here I am, sitting at Dr. H for my 6 week appointment. As I sit out here in the waiting room, I am telling myself to breathe and send loving light …