The air had been thick with heat, humidity and wonder all day. I try not to let thoughts of yesterday’s PET scan slip into my mind, but those thoughts seem to find any crack and so …
The merry go round
Looking at it from the outside in, it looks magical. Painted with deep rich colors that demand attention. It moves with fluid smooth motions. Light dances off of the mirrors and the music is hypnotic. …

We almost made it through October with nothing major happening…ALMOST! We have crazy rain Wednesday night…I mean crazy. I think our area ended up with 8 inches in a few hours. A little before 10:00 …
Playing Poker with breast cancer
October is a hard month for me. Actually all months are hard months for me. As I see others celebrate their victory over cancer, it is all too easy for my mind to slip …
The girl who cried wolf…
Or maybe something else instead… I guess having a small seizure is still a good reason to rush off to the ER and MUCH better than getting told my cancer is back in the brain. …
Think before you Pink – part 2 & call for help
Think before you Pink – part 2 “Be the change you want to see in this world.” ~Mahatma Gandhi I want everyone to know they can make a difference. I want everyone to know that …
Pink, pink, pink – everywhere is pink.
It might make you think everything is Pretty in Pink. It isn’t. I am not one to really rock the boat – most of the time that is, but if you push me enough I …
Whole Heart
Whole Heart It is easy – to say I believe to say I love but with my whole heart? my whole soul? Isn’t that mine to keep all for me? To give it away …
I feel like I am breaking Breaking from lack of control I am not one who really gives a shit if someone does something how I think it should be done, but our home life …
The care givers…
I would like to take this chance to say thank you to all the care givers out there. So many people tell me and others going through a disease what an inspiration we are to them, …