I want to keep it real here, so y’all get an honest view of what life looks like for me. And while keeping it real, that means to tell the truth…the whole truth. Last week …
Cancer to me

4 years with Stage 4 Breast Cancer
A lot can happen in 4 years A lot does happen in 4 years If you have a child, 4 years seems like a lifetime with so many changes that happen daily; sometimes you think …
Chemo chronicle 536
I really don’t know what chemo number I am on…that number just popped my head. If I really cared and wanted to, I could sit down and figure it out, But does it really matter …
Trying not to live in fear
Scan-xiety The scenarios start playing as soon as I book my appointment. The what ifs that like to take over: What if cancer is in my body again? Would I have to do full out chemo? …
So very thankful
Thanksgiving 2014 At first I thought I was going to write about how my last few Thanksgivings were really hard for me because my body wasn’t healthy. Then I thought, I don’t want to talk …
A missed appointment
A missed appointment To date, I have only missed two chemo appointments ever in my 6.5 year “career” as Texas Oncology. I missed the first one because I was in the hospital with steroid psychosis…I …
Panic Attacks
Panic attack I remember the first panic attack I ever had. I was 25, exhausted from doing too much and I snapped like a rubber band pulled too tight. I didn’t know it then that …
Brain Report
I don’t know why, it is easy for me to forget to write the good stuff. I need/want to bask in the good stuff. I had at appointment with Groves on Thursday – he is …
A real look at living with Stage 4 Breast Cancer
A real look at living with Stage 4 Breast Cancer 14 hours I just woke up from sleeping 14 hours straight. I went to bed last night after Eric came home early from work because …
Rememberance Ceremony
The BCRC had the yearly remembrance ceremony on Sunday. I hate these things…it all become so real at that point in time. A candle is lit for every sister we have lost the past year…26 …