I really don’t know what chemo number I am on…that number just popped my head. If I really cared and wanted to, I could sit down and figure it out, But does it really matter …
The world doesn’t stop
The world doesn’t stop I cleaned out my email today and noticed the junk mail from Dec 2013 – April 2014. Apparently, I never checked my mail those months? Those aren’t the only a set …
Going back – chemo chronicle 3.3
Chemo Chronicle 3.3 It was a hard day. I admit it, I don’t do well with change….AT ALL! I like to know what is going to happen, where I am going, what it looks like, …
30 hours later
I have been asleep for the past 30 hours. I think all the stress of the scan, the appointments, the every think really took its toll on me. So much more than I would like …
Once bitten, twice shy
That is how I feel now in regards to scans and what now. I had an head MRI on Friday, Dr. H and two chemos yesterday, and Dr. Groves to look at my MRI from …

It hurts so bad
Well, all my “oh, this chemo is a breeze” is coming back to bit me or burn me I should say. I am experiencing a very common side effect of this chemo called hand-foot syndrome …
A fish out of water
I feel like a fish out of what. Well, I think that is how I feel. I am not real sure how a fish out of water really feels. But if the feeling is difficulty …
On the edge
I feel that I am on an edge. An edge I have been on too many times. An edge I am all too familiar with. An edge that is exhilarating and completely exhausting…all at the …

I am tired…
I am tired of this weird rash on the bottom of my legs that itches like crazy – unless I take Benadryl but then I pass out. I could take a steroid, but I would …
New chemo
I must say, it was odd to leave Dr. H’s office with a bag full of chemo pills…odd. Eric and I joked when we went to lunch that we shouldn’t leave the chemo in the car…after …