Hi all – I haven’t been good at keeping this updated but I am back! Nothing major has changed – still NED in my brain – last MRI was this week, last bone scan and …
It’s been awhile

Renee Reads Energy
Hi all – I haven’t been good at keeping this updated but I am back! Nothing major has changed – still NED in my brain – last MRI was this week, last bone scan and …
Another GVH flair Well…I don’t think it is classified as “another flair” being as it hasn’t fully gone away since it started in April…so I guess I should call it what it is…chronic GVH ? …
I am floating on Cloud 9 and a little delirious from being tired…BUT it is so great to be this tired! We just got home from a vacation to Universal Hollywood. We had such a …
Wow, wow, wow…we just got home from a Winter Wonderland in Michigan. The 3 of us went up to Eric’s parents lake house. It was SO MUCH FUN!! Saturday and Sunday, Eric and Ian went …
Over the next few weeks, I am going to be sharing with y’all some techniques I have learned and tweaked over the years to get control over my mind chatter. I am going to write …
Trending back up I am coming out of the fog that has been wrapped around me for the past 10 days from a GVH (graft vs host) flair. I always look forward to this day …
I really cannot believe that it has been 2 years since my first of 4 days straight of heavy duty chemo before my bone marrow transplant. I have been looking back videos I recorded and …
Internal therapy I found a new podcast called The One You Feed. I had heard this story before in church, but it was great to hear it again AND to be reminded I am NOT …
Every kind of therapy Well, I am back at it. Head therapy Physical therapy. These massive highs and lows of dealing with chronic GVH, have gotten to me into a bad head space. I knew …