Dear Ian – 7 years old Oh my sweet little guy. You aren’t so little anymore. You are the tallest in your class and nobody believes me when I tell them you are not 8 …
Reliving the past…
We were walking into Party City tonight to look for birthday décor for Ian. Out of nowhere, Ian told me about the last time we went there. The first time mommy hurt her head, he said. …
All around me, I see people doing so much more than I am able to. More work More working out More volunteering More cooking More cleaning The list could go on forever. It is hard …
Why not??
I just received an email from my mother-in-law that hit me right in heart: A note of appreciation of family!! Thank you one and all for keeping our lives interesting, (in a very good way), …
The Fight
The air is thick with excitement from the on-lookers ready to see someone go down. They are ready to see someone get punched with an iron fist and get laid out flat. Not a real …
30 hours later
I have been asleep for the past 30 hours. I think all the stress of the scan, the appointments, the every think really took its toll on me. So much more than I would like …
A fish out of water
I feel like a fish out of what. Well, I think that is how I feel. I am not real sure how a fish out of water really feels. But if the feeling is difficulty …
My 36th year?!?!
Last year I wasn’t really sure I would live to see my 36th birthday. My 35th year was full of ups and downs. I just didn’t know…I honestly didn’t know if I had more fight …
My color bomb
I can say it. I can finally say it and truly mean it. I feel it in my soul – my way down deep soul. My way down deep soul that has been praying and …

We almost made it through October with nothing major happening…ALMOST! We have crazy rain Wednesday night…I mean crazy. I think our area ended up with 8 inches in a few hours. A little before 10:00 …