I feel like a fish out of what. Well, I think that is how I feel. I am not real sure how a fish out of water really feels. But if the feeling is difficulty …
The Ribbon
a twirling ribbon dances in the sky taken up by a gust of wind – not to make anyone sad for losing it but to make everyone around stop what they are doing take notice …
My 36th year?!?!
Last year I wasn’t really sure I would live to see my 36th birthday. My 35th year was full of ups and downs. I just didn’t know…I honestly didn’t know if I had more fight …
My color bomb
I can say it. I can finally say it and truly mean it. I feel it in my soul – my way down deep soul. My way down deep soul that has been praying and …
On the edge
I feel that I am on an edge. An edge I have been on too many times. An edge I am all too familiar with. An edge that is exhilarating and completely exhausting…all at the …
Think before you Pink – part 2 & call for help
Think before you Pink – part 2 “Be the change you want to see in this world.” ~Mahatma Gandhi I want everyone to know they can make a difference. I want everyone to know that …
Whole Heart
Whole Heart It is easy – to say I believe to say I love but with my whole heart? my whole soul? Isn’t that mine to keep all for me? To give it away …

Untitled Post
I need to start practicing opening up more. I do good sometimes at letting it all hang out, then just like a switch being turned off, my heart closes up and decides I am done …
The Knock…
knowing the sound of the Knock that Precious knock knowing all I needed to do was open the door the door that seemed to have been bolted shut for way too long The door… I …
Out of the blue
You know when you something happens out of left field it takes a second – or a day for it to catch up to you…for the bigness of it to hit you? I have been praying …