I am tired. I am not able to sleep a whole night. I have a small lingering headache most of the time…blah. BUT, after seeing the radiation doctor on Tuesday, I feel great about where …
Radiation…it is catching up with me

Renee Reads Energy
I am tired. I am not able to sleep a whole night. I have a small lingering headache most of the time…blah. BUT, after seeing the radiation doctor on Tuesday, I feel great about where …
I don’t get the “I will kick this cancer’s ass mentality” so many of us have. Don’t get me wrong here – I think we all need to go into this as a WAR BUT …
I have been thinking about this topic for a LONG time now…it is hard to put into words. I have a lot more to say, but I have to process it, so I will write …
Brain radiation is over and so far so good! I pretty much laid around all day yesterday – let me tell you what I hard thing that is. I have all this nervous energy and …
I visited with Dr H yesterday – yes I was feeling lost without having seen her for a little over a week…or even being there. Between her and Dr. Groves we are all on the …
I went to see Dr. Groves yesterday. If I haven’t said it enough, let me say it more – I am so beyond blessed with the team of doctors I have working with me and …
yesterday ended up being a great day. I decided that although I was tired and laying on the couch sounded great, it would be better for me to get out and about a bit before …
I am getting nervous about radiation that will start today…it seemed radiation was what threw me over to crazy town last time, but I think I have a better handle on this time…but I don’t …
Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. I am holding tight …
This was a relativity easy week which is a totally weird thing to say – I know this, but I guess I am just used to it and we roll with it and I realize …