11 years metastatic It has been a little over 11 years since I was told the stage 1 breast cancer had metastasized to stage 4 breast cancer (MBC) a mere year and a half after …
11 years w Metastatic Breast Cancer

Renee Reads Energy
11 years metastatic It has been a little over 11 years since I was told the stage 1 breast cancer had metastasized to stage 4 breast cancer (MBC) a mere year and a half after …
This is NOT April fools. I don’t even know what to say I am so excited…you will rarely hear me speechless! Here is the Amazon link for both paper back and Kindle , BUT any …
I knew there would be a day when I would be told I couldn’t get chemo due to numbers…I thought those numbers would have to do with low blood counts or something else…not blood pressure numbers. I had …
I am not one to read a lot of BC articles because honestly I don’t understand them. I could blame it on chemo brain, BUT I have never understood reading science. I did read this …
Pleasant words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the body. This was my verse in the Daily Word, and I really could take this one in and feel it. I …
This isn’t anything new, but this is the first year I am going to take part in declaring a word of the year for myself. My word for 2015 is going to be “Be” I …
Dear breast cancer sisters, I am “classified as a stage 4er cancer” woman. Six years ago I was classified as Stage 1, triple negative. Went through chemo, surgery & radiation…got clean and clear! 15 months …
Scan-xiety The scenarios start playing as soon as I book my appointment. The what ifs that like to take over: What if cancer is in my body again? Would I have to do full out chemo? …
Thanksgiving 2014 At first I thought I was going to write about how my last few Thanksgivings were really hard for me because my body wasn’t healthy. Then I thought, I don’t want to talk …
I don’t know why, it is easy for me to forget to write the good stuff. I need/want to bask in the good stuff. I had at appointment with Groves on Thursday – he is …