Hi there!
My name is Renee. I am 44 year old empath who has always been sensitive to energy within myself and others.
I used to let all the emotions and untamed energy of myself run my life until I learned how to protect myself, clear my energy, and channel that energy to connect with and communicate with Spirit, Angels and guides.
I give truthful, no fluff readings that will cut through the BS and get right to the point of what YOU will need to do in order to change your situation. I am a firm believer in we all must take inspired action to create the changes we want instead of sitting back and waiting for someone/something else to come and save you. (This is where the no fluff comes in).
I work with your Angels and guides for them to tell me what you need to hear (not always what you want to hear), so please don’t get offended if I tell you what you are doing to keep yourself stuck/always having the same problems/etc. Please be prepared to have a few action items presented in the reading. These action items can be as simple as Pray or meditate more or multistep process to dig deeper into your self.
I am different from other readers for several reasons:
– I type my readings versus speak them because I get more information from my guides this way
– you will receive your reading with pictures of the cards in an email so you can have it to read over again and digest
– I’ll tell you what each card represents, suit’s and numerology meaning
– I finish your reading with a channeled message from spirit for you that will help tie it all together and give you the advice you are looking for!
The Process
I connect to Angels, spirits and guides, request and envision protection for myself and who I am reading for, and ask them to show me what it is you need to know.
After I draw the cards, I sit with them to figure out the route energy and overview of the cards
I then channel my angels and guides to ask them to help me deliver the messages that you need to hear.
I type these massages out in order to get the most information and direction from them.

$25 – 3 tarot cards + 1 spirit animal card (this shows what characteristics you need to work.
$25 – 3 tarot cards + 1 oracle card (I will use angels cards) and the oracle card will tell you what you need to do to help the situation
$35 – 5 tarot cards + 2 other cards (if you have a preference for oracle or spirit animal, let me know) otherwise i will listen to spirit to guide me.
Let me know if you have any questions. I am so looking forward to working with you.