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    Thinking of you and praying for you, as always, sis.

    Praying that God give you a "peace that surpasses all understanding" as you wrestle with these things.

    Love and hugs to you.

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    Yes, cancer sucks- and it could be you again, it could be me. But right now it is not. Celebrate that fact now.

    I used to always "freak out" when I would hear of someone with a recurrence or someone who had passed away. I try to do something positive for that person or persons who are struggling. This does 2 things- it keeps your mind busy and it helps or honors your friend.

    I have learned in the last 10 years, that God has a plan for you- it is your job to have faith in that plan (much easier said than done). When I was diagnosed, I was 31 and single. I am now married and was blessed with a daughter- something I never thought could happen to me post cancer.

    Sorry to go on, I know it is hard not to worry or get down. Stay positive-

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