19, Sunday: Five
of your favorite blogs and what you love about them
Kelly Rea Roberts – love her art
She was the first artist I witnessed bloom into who/what she is and it has help my hearts hand for years know and trusting I can do the same.
Christy Tolmlison
She seems like she would be so much like me – just here – plugging along, loving God, her family and friends and strying to gussy up with world with colorful love in the mean time.
Mish Mish
I have learned a lot from here in mixing “odd” pairings. I used to need to be so matchy-match – not anymore – anything goes here.
Daily Word
My blog/YouTube Channel
I am not going to lie – I think it is cool I have a blog following and am building a youtube one as well.
Yes, I enjoy listening to what I say and/or write because sometimes it surprises me too!