I haven’t had much exciting going on lately – which I am NOT complaining about…just not anything notable to blog about. Sorry for the lack of writing.

Things are going really well. I am feeling a little better every day, my hair is growing (almost long enough to not look like “cancer hair”), we bought an elliptical and I am doing that at least 30 minutes a day (it is a start…nowhere near what I was doing before chemo, but I am trying to learn to give myself a break…trying), doing a weekly bible study with some of my friends which I completely love studying with them, started painting/crafting again which is bringing me so much peace and happiness.

It is with all these wonderful things going on that my upcoming PET scan scares the heck out of me. Dr. H told me a few weeks ago she doesn’t expect anything to change on it from the last one which gives me great comfort, but I would be lying if I said I wasn’t scared at all…of course I am. I am trying to give that fear over to God, to let myself remember He is in ultimate control but it is hard not to worry.

My scan is this coming Wednesday. Please pray that it is shows no evidence of disease.

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