You have cancer
Remember to breathe
Its breast cancer
It is small
Is stage one
Whole world spins
Chemo, surgery, radiation
You are done
Celebrate, cheer, love
One year by
You’re still clean
Two years by
You look great
Approaching 3 yrs
Off the anti-depressants
Abnormal CT scan
In the lung(s)
All is unknown
Scared, pissed, sad
Ready to fight
Be bald again
Ask for help
Ask for prayers
Cry, laugh, love
You are being help up on the thoughts and prayers of all your friends and family who love you and want to help you. Please let me know what I can do.
Renee~It's me your long lost friend…Sister has told me your going through this again. My prayers are with you and your family EVERYDAY. Your a one of a kind wonderful person, God has a plan and he loves you. I love you!
You"ll be ok
I am here
We love you
Let's get drunk
Friends Love Renee
Offer unlimited support
Will bring wine