This two year took him away from me. These two lines pretty much sums up our last week – where did our sweet baby go and who replaced him with this…this TOODLER???
A lot has happened in the last week – what would life be like if a lot didn’t happen? I had a follow up with my radiation oncologist of Friday, yes, with Ian in tow and lesson learned, a toddler at a cancer building is good and bad – good because all the patients were eating him up and bad because the employees looked at him for the germy little guy he is. Dr. was super impressed with where I am in regards to energy and what all I have been doing. He was even more impressed that I was at home all day with Ian and told me that if I have set backs in the weeks, even months to come to be easy on myself because he really had not seen anyone rebound back this quick. So, I guess with that, I will take his permission to slow down a bit and stop feeling guilty when I need to nap!
The second half of Friday was much different, we packed the Camry up and hit the road to FL. The trip ended up being 11.5 hours and we drove it straight through – well, Eric drove 8 of the hours – hey, I can’t see at night 😉
We arrived at Marci’s at a bright and early 6:30 a.m. but it was wonderful. We had such a great time there with them, at the beach and watching Ian and Claire play, well until the last few days when Ian was tired of sharing his toys and PUSHED Claire down – oh, that is right, he pushed her down. Eric and I felt horrible about it. But Ian made it up a little later by giving Claire huge hugs and kisses and it was SO funny watching them together. She really liked Ian but was tired of him also by the end.
Ian talked a big game about the water, but every day we went to the beach, he didn’t want to get in the water. He loved playing in the sand though and with his boats. He will make his daddy happy and be a boat man.
We decided to leave Thursday around noon, stop in Slydell to see Eric’s aunt and uncle and then head home. We got home Friday morning around 2:30 in the morning and Friday was a wash for me, I couldn’t get my head back in the game after staying up so late.
And as any good vacation comes and goes, so do the pounds – I gained FIVE pounds while there. Boo to that. Now back to real life, getting these new pounds off as well as others, taking Ian to MDO tomorrow for his first day and balancing the credit card statement – can’t we go back to the beach and drink more wine and beer??